Mitt Oslo (My Oslo) 

Mitt Oslo is a book about mine and your Oslo. Our city.
It consists of a series of portraits of unique people. People with amazing dedication and drive.
Everyday they go to a job they love! Work is life, and life is work.
They are on your corner. On the way to work. In the little shop. In the beautiful café.
They are invisible, but indispensable. They are the soul of the city we live in.
It is for these people I made this book. To inspire us all. 
As an important document of the time and the city we live in.

The project began in late 2012, and over the last two years I have been travelling the city, portraying 60 different people in their shops and workshops. This has now become the book "Mitt Oslo".
The project aims to show that these places and people still exist in the city next to the overwhelming shopingmalls and chains. It is not an easy task to have your own business. These people does it with a love to their craft and with personal service on the top shelf. This is impressive and inspirational, and more and more seldom. I have done this project to celebrate these people and their dedication.

These are the people that make the soul of a city. Without them the city would not have been the same.

Hope you like it!
Photographer, designer, writer and creator: Håvard Schei
Illustrations: Torun Mørkeseth Karlsen
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